About Reverences. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

The Akathist Hymn. By Emily Karavellas

The Celebration. By Dn. Emmanuel Stamatiou

Christ — The New Passover. By Valentina Zander

Creation of the World: Making of the Tabernacle and the Rite of Church Consecration. By Yurie Klitsenko

Feastdays and Services to the Theotokos. By Bishop Demetri (Khoury)

Formation of the Laos in and for Community. By Professor Constantine Scouteris

The Gathering. By Rev. Fr. Joseph J. Allen

The Great Paracletic Canon of Blessed Emperor Theodoros Laskaris II. By Archbishop Stylianos of Australia

The Holy Spoon and Proper Hygeine. By Rev. Fr. Stylianos Muksuris

Holy Water — During Epiphany and Baptisms. By Rev. Fr. Stylianos Muksuris

The "Lamb" and "Bridegroom". By Archbishop Stylianos of Australia

Liturgical Matters: The Lukan Jump. By Archbishop Peter (L'Huiller) of New York and New Jersey

Liturgy and Life: The Use of Incense in Church. By Rev. Fr. Theodore E. Ziton

The Long Life. By Dn. Emmanuel Stamatiou

Lord Have Mercy!? By Stephanie Yazge

The Meaning of Sunday. By Fr. Michael Azkoul

Office of Holy Epiphany. By Fr. John Chromiak

On the Occasion of the Salutations to the Holy Mother of God. By Archbishop Stylianos of Australia

Revisiting Father Alexander Schmemann's Work on the Problems of the Church in America. By Fr. Alexis Vinogradov

Saturday, the Day of the Souls. By Archbishop Stylianos of Australia

Saying "Amen" to Our Story. By Fr. John Shimchick

"When Thou, O Lord Was Baptized in the Jordan..." By Rev. Fr. Gabriel Barrow

Why Do We Have Our Homes Blessed? By Phyllis Meshel Onest

Words of Life. By Fr. Thomas George

Worship. By Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald



Infant Baptism. By Jordan Bajis

"Many Are Called..." By Rev. Vladimir Berzonsky

On Holy Baptism. By Fr. John Maxwell

Sponsors at Baptism. By Fr. David Abramtsov

A Talk to Godparents. By Fr. Michael Buben

"Thus It Becometh Us to Fulfill All Righteousness". By Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas and the South



What Is Holy Chrismation? By Fr. Michael J. Buben


Confession and Penance

Confession. By Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas and the South

Confession and Communion. By Fr. Michael J. Buben

Confession and Repentance. By Archbishop Job (Osacky) of Chicago and the Midwest

Confession and the Bible. By Anthony Bassoline

Meditation on the Holy Sacrament of Confession. By Archpriest Jehad Michael

The Meaning of Confession. By V. Rev. Sergius Chetverikov

On Holy Confession. By Fr. John Maxwell

Repentance. By Archie Wilson

Repentance — the Axe to the Roots. By Fr. Michael Harper

The Sacrament of Confession as a Tool. By Fr. Joseph Allen

The Sacrament of Penance. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Why Should I Confess My Sins to a Priest? By Fr. John Dresko

Young People and Confession. By Fr. Milton Efthimiou


Divine Liturgy

Communion and Otherness. By Metropolitan John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon

The Consecration of the Holy Gifts (Part 1, Part 2). By Rev. Fr. Stylianos Muksuris

The Curtain of the Temple. By V. Rev. Fr. Dmitri Cozby

The Epiklesis of the Divine Liturgy. By Rev. Fr. Theodore Ziton

The Eucharist in the Ancient Church and Contemporary Practice. By Boris Sove

Eucharistic Unity: Communion of the Faithful. By Vincent Rossi

The Explanation of the Divine Liturgy. By Bishop Theophilos of Campania

The Ikonostasis: Its Meaning in the Celebration of the Divine Liturgy. By Fr. Michael Buben

Introduction to the Divine Liturgy. By Rev. Fr. George Mastrantonis

Participating in the Eucharist: A Way of Life or a Social Occasion? By Dr. Michael Massouh

The "Western Rite": Is It Right for the Orthodox? By Fr. Michael Johnson



On Fasting and Communion. By His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of Serbia

Fasting — A Means to an End! By Judy Yentzen

Let Us Begin the Fast with Joy.

The Meaning of Fasting in the Orthodox Church. By Fr. Milan Savich

Some Reflections on Fasting. By John Boojamra


Great Lent

The Significance of Great Lent. By Bishop John (Kallos) of Amorion



Honoring God's Work. By Fr. Dmitri Cozby

"Never as Gods": Icons and Their Veneration. By Professor Constantine Scouteris


Liturgical Language

Some Remarks about Biblical and Liturgical Translations. By Peter (L'Huiller) of New York and New Jersey

Words of Life. By Fr. Thomas George



Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Orthodox Church. By Bishop Athenagoras (Peckstadt) of Sinope

On Second Marriages. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West


Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Liturgical Commemorations in Preparation for the Nativity. By Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas and the South


Ordination and Vocations

Christ's Sacred Ministry. By Rev. Robert Lucas

Diaconate. By Fr. Joseph Allen

In Honor of the Priesthood. By Theresa Johnson

A Letter to a Future Priest. By V. Rev. Alexander Schmemann

The Mission and Image of the Priest according to Biblical Thought. By Bishop Jovan (Mladenovic) of Western America

Ordination and Vocation. By Paul Moses

The Orthodox Churches and Priestly Celibacy. By Metropolitan Damaskinos (Papandreou) of Switzerland

The Royal Priesthood. By Rev. Robert E. Lucas

The Sacrament of Priesthood in Holy Scripture Theological Presuppositions. By Prof. Christos Sp. Voulgaris

A View from the Nave: On Recruiting Future Priests. By George Benjamin Gapen

What Is a Bishop, Priest, Deacon. By Fr. Michael Buben



A Forgotten Dimension of Prayer. By Fr. Gregory Buss

The Power of Prayer. By Serge Bolshakoff

Why We Pray. By Fr. Alexander Turner


Reception of Converts

Acceptance into the Orthodox Church: Bishop's Instructions. By Bishop Basil (Rodzianko) of San Francisco and the West

The Reception of Heretic Laity and Clergy into the Orthodox Church. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Regarding the Reception of Converts and "Re-Baptism". Diocese of Denver. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America



Saturday Evening Worship: A Proposal. By Dr. Paul Meyendorff



The Conciliar Celebration of Divine Liturgy by Priests in the Diocese of the West. Diocese of the West. Orthodox Church in America

Funeral Guidelines. Diocese of New England. Orthodox Church in America

Hierarchical Services (for Priests). Diocese of the West. Orthodox Church in America

A Letter of Instruction (II) on Liturgical Topics: The Holy Doors and the Curtian. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

A Letter of Instruction (IV) on Liturgical Topics: Priest's Headcoverings during Divine Worship. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

A Letter of Instruction (III) on the Topic: Evening Divine Liturgies. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Letter of Instruction #8: Hearing the Confession of Priests and Hierarchs. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Letter of Instruction #9 on Two Topics: I. About Censing; II. Burial of Priests. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Liturgical Order #1 (Preliminary). By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

Protocol No. 139. By Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco and the West

The Reasons for and the Dates of Replacing the Audible Recitation of the Liturgical Prayers with Secret Recitation. By A. Golubtsov